Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World

Help Your Children Love Them, Too!

In this video, veteran homeschool mom Charlene Notgrass shares how learning about people and cultures from other countries helps us understand better that Jesus loves all the children of the world and that we can love them, too.

After you watch the video, scroll down for ten simple ways to get started right away.

10 Simple Ways to Explore Other Cultures with Your Kids

  1. Read a book set in another country.
  2. Listen to the national anthem of another country. Then sing along!
  3. Listen to folk songs from another country.
  4. Watch a folk dance from another country with people wearing traditional costumes.
  5. Talk to someone who has visited another country.
  6. Read a familiar Bible passage in another language.
  7. Draw a picture or build a model of a landmark in another country.
  8. Attend an ethnic dinner, dance, concert, or other cultural event in your community.
  9. Does your family or your church support a missionary or charity in another country? Find out more about their work and the culture in that location.
  10. Go to a museum showing artwork or artifacts from other countries.

Download a printable list of these 10 simple activities.

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